SQL Server – Import Export Wizard – Enable Identity Insert

I had requirement to move the data from source table with his identity column to destination table that have also identity column. Identity columns are commonly used as primary keys in database tables. These columns automatically assign a value for each new row inserted. Identity column does not allow any kind of insertion from the user. Before starting I was thinking I need to enable the IDENTITY_INSERT on the destination table by using SET IDENTITY_INSERT myTable ON   and once I

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Add the value into an Identity Column in SQL Server

Identity columns are commonly used as primary keys in database tables. These columns automatically assign a value for each new row inserted. But sometime Identity columns  missed the value, we want to insert missed value into the column. For that we need to enable IDENTITY_INSERT for the table. USE mytempDB GO CREATE TABLE myTable ( myIdentity INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, myValue NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL ) GO INSERT myTable(myIdentity, myValue) VALUES (5, ‘Varinder Sandhu’) –Result =  Error because IDENTITY

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