SQL Server – User Defined Group

I had requirement to make the User Defined Group in Reports (i.e. Crystal Reports) Example: CREATE TABLE test_custom_group ( id INT, dept VARCHAR(20), detail VARCHAR(30), salary NUMERIC(5,2) ) Created a Function CREATE FUNCTION test_fn ( ) RETURNS @temp_table TABLE ( sno int, dept varchar(20), grp varchar(10) ) AS BEGIN INSERT @temp_table(sno,dept,grp ) SELECT 1,'C','A' UNION all SELECT 2,'A','A' UNION all SELECT 3,'D','B' UNION all SELECT 4,'E','B' UNION all SELECT 5,'B','B' RETURN END Created a Store Procedure USE test_db IF EXISTS

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SQL Server – User Defined Sort Order

I had requirement to get the values with Use Defined Sort order. Here is simple way to get User Defined Sort order Example: Created a table as : CREATE TABLE sort_order ( id INT, dept VARCHAR(20), detail VARCHAR(30) ) Inserted few rows in table as Requirement: Now we want to change the sort order and new sorted output should be: REQUIRED OUTPUT: For this created a function: CREATE FUNCTION test_fn ( ) RETURNS @temp_table TABLE ( sno int, dept varchar(20)

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SQL Server – SQL Scripts to find and Kill all the Blocked Process in a database

SQL Server database administrators frequently need in especially development and test environments to find and kill all the blocked process. Following scripts are useful in that scenario. Script – 1 — Find All the Blocked Processes SELECT spid, status, loginame=SUBSTRING(loginame,1,12), hostname=SUBSTRING(hostname,1, 12), blk = CONVERT(char(3), blocked), dbname=SUBSTRING(DB_NAME(dbid),1, 10), cmd, waittype FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE spid IN (SELECT blocked FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses)   Script 2 — Kill all the Blocked Processes of a Database DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar(50) — Set the Database Name SET

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TSEQUAL and JOIN syntax as *= or =* not supported in SQL Server 2008

I have faced an issue during SQL Server Migration. Here sharing with you. As I need to move some databases from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 then I faced a problem because TSEQUAL and JOIN syntax such as *= or =* not supported in SQL Server 2008. Some of scripts are using the function and syntax as Example: TSEQUAL (TxnStatus, @ciTxnSts) JOIN syntax which has *= and =* to specify the OUTER JOIN. Solution: TxnStatus = @ciTxnSts instead of 

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SQL Server – Comma Separated INSERT Option

  Here is new feature of SQL Server 2008 – “Comma Separated INSERT Option” In this feature using a single INSERT statement you can pass multiple value for the table using comma separated option. USE testdb GO CREATE TABLE table1 ( id INT IDENTITY(1,1), name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255) ) SELECT * FROM testdb..table1 INSERT INTO testdb..table1 VALUES (‘Varinder’,’ABC Street’), (‘Amit’, ‘CDE Street’), (‘Dinesh’,’XYZ Street’) Result :    

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SQL Server – Insert same value multiple time in SQL table

  Here is an example:  Inserting same value multiple time in SQL table USE testdb GO CREATE TABLE table1 ( id INT IDENTITY(1,1), name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255) ) SELECT * FROM testdb..table1 INSERT INTO testdb..table1 VALUES (‘Varinder’,’ABC Street’) go 5 Result :  

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