Webpage Performance testing with WebPagetest

WebPagetest is a tool that was originally developed by AOL for use internally and was open-sourced in 2008 under a BSD license. The platform is under active development by several companies and community contributors on Google code. The software is also packaged up periodically and available for download if you would like to run your own instance. The online version at www.webpagetest.org is run by WebPagetest LLC for the benefit of the performance community with several companies and individuals providing the testing infrastructure around the globe. WebPagetest

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SQL Server – Check the compatibility level of a database

You can check the compatibility of a database simply by running the below sql command. sp_dbcmptlevel 'Database_Name' Read more about sp_dbcmptlevel Values of compatibility levels and their corresponding MS SQL Server versions 60 = SQL Server 6.0 65 = SQL Server 6.5 70 = SQL Server 7.0 80 = SQL Server 2000 90 = SQL Server 2005 100 = SQL Server 2008 The values 60 and 65 are deprecated and will be removed in a SQL 2008 and later. You

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Poem – OH MY MASTER (Lord)

This is guest post by my wife Gurpreet Sandhu. She wrote a first Guest Post for my blog.  “OH MY MASTER” “Oh My Master! Please Be With Me Always Without You I Feel Homeless Only You Provide Me Shelter. From The Egocentric And Altruistic Mind This Wanderer Is Clueless And Distressed Stumbling Across The World Aimlessly. Without Pure Love, My Heart Is Abandoned Without You, This Human Body Is Empty Desperately Wishing For One Feeling Of Happiness That Can Only Come From Your Radiant

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100th Blog Post – Passage to 100th Post

Today, I arrived on writing my 100th blog post. I wanted to thank all readers who believe in me and continue to visit my blog. The primary objective of my blog is to share my experience and notes with all technical persons. It would mean the world to me. I have been blogging here from around 11 months. In the past three months my blog have 8,000 Page views from 49 countries/territories with 20 different languages. I really appreciate the

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Google Plus one (+1) Button

Google just introduced the Google +1 button enable visitors to give a recommendation to friends, contacts, and others on the web. What is Google Plus (+1) button? The +1 button is shorthand for “this is pretty cool” or “you should check this out. “Click +1 to publicly give something your stamp of approval. Your +1’s can help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search.   Add Google +1 button to blog/website You can easily

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SQL Server – Error Handling Using TRY…CATCH

Prior to SQL server 2005, the only way of performing the error handling was to test vale of @@ERROR global variable. Once the SQL Server completes the execution of a Transact-SQL statement, it records the status of result in @@ERROR. If the error occurred, @@ERROR contains the error number. If the statement executed successfully it contain the 0. You need to check the variable if the statement succeeded or failed. Using @@ERROR to perform the error handling is not easy

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Restore SQL 2008 full database backup to SQL Server 2005

My friend wants to restore the SQL 2008 full backup to SQL Server 2005. He faced an issue while restore the SQL 2008 full backup to SQL Server 2005. He has a question from me as: Can we restore the SQL 2008 full database backup to SQL Server 2005? Answer: No, we can’t restore a backup from a higher version of SQL Server on a lower version of SQL Server. Alternative: If you are not using any features specific to

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Understanding Web Communications

Like all client-server applications, web applications have two distinct components: Client Client also known as the front-end interface, the web browser presents the user interface, accepts user input, and sends data to the server for processing. Server Server also known as the back end, the web server responds to requests from clients for specific pages. It responds with an HTML page that includes instructions for how to generate the user interface. The web browser (the client) and the web server communicate by using Hypertext Transfer Protocol

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Authentication Vs Authorization – Security Concepts

We all know about the security concepts, Authentication and Authorization. However, it is really important to know the difference between Authentication and Authorization.  Lot of detailed stuff is available over the internet but here sharing with you the brief information about the difference between Authentication and Authorization, so that we can easily understand about these concepts. Simply, Authentication is checking the user‘s identity, and Authorization is verifying a user’s right to access resources. Authentication The process of identifying the user, this

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SQL Server – Get Comma Separated Values from table

I had requirement to get the Comma Separated Values from the table for specific column. So here sharing with you example how i handle this situation. USE tempdb GO CREATE TABLE test1 ( column1 INT, column2 VARCHAR(6) ) INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1,'Test1'), (1,'Test2'), (2,'Test3'), (2,'Test4'), (3,'Test5') Now see the table SELECT * FROM TEST1  Create a function to get the Comma Separated Values as below CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CommaSeparatedvalues ( @parameter1 AS INT ) RETURNS VARCHAR(5000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @CSV

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SQL Server – Mirror Backup of databases

It is very common practice to create an exact copy of the database backup and store it to different places so that in case any emergency or misfortune, DBA should have the alternative location to find the backup of databases.  Once a full backup is accomplished DBAs generally copy the database to another location in their network using utility tools like R-sync or native DOS commands like xcopy etc. Mirroring a media set increases backup reliability by reducing the impact

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Find the List of the SQL Servers running on a network

I had requirement to find list of all the SQL Server installed on local network then I found few very useful commands. Here sharing with you all. You can use sqlcmd, osql and isql with the -L option as shown below. Using sqlcmd -L Servers: SQLServer1 SQLServer2\DBServer SQLServer3\ReportServer SQLServer4\SQLExpress SQLServer5 Using osql -L Servers: SQLServer1 SQLServer2\DBServer SQLServer3\ReportServer SQLServer4\SQLExpress SQLServer5 Using isql -L Locally configured servers: –None– Announced network servers: SQLServer1 SQLServer2 SQLServer3 SQLServer4 SQLServer5 Note: sqlcmd  and osql is able

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